The Dangers of Driving With a Cracked Windshield

No matter how long you’ve been driving, seeing a piece of gravel fly at your windshield and leave a small knick is always cringe-inducing. Windshield damage is one of the most common occurrences and is usually caused by flying rocks or other airborne debris kicked up by the wheels of other vehicles on the road. While a small chip in a windshield is easy to ignore and seems insignificant, it can actually lead to more serious problems for you. In fact, you can be ticketed for driving with a cracked windshield by law enforcement. This may seem annoying or over-the-top, but a cracked or chipped windshield is actually a very serious safety hazard.

As an Arlington auto body repair shop, we have seen what can happen when a cracked windshield is left unreplaced. The dangers of driving with a damaged windshield are very serious and even life-threatening, which is reason enough to bring your car into our Arlington car repair shop and let us fix it for you before something happens.

Here is a look at some of the dangers of driving with a cracked windshield:

  • Affects the structural integrity of your vehicle. When your windshield is cracked or chipped, it is far more likely to shatter during a collision. An intact windshield helps transfer the force of a front-end impact down to the car’s chassis. This helps to protect the passengers during a crash.
  • Obstructs visibility. It is no secret that the windshield is one of the most important parts of your vehicle. In addition to keeping you safe in the event of a crash, it also provides visibility for operation. Windshield chips and cracks leave a permanent mark on the windshield glass, which could drastically affect driver visibility.
  • Driver distraction. A chip or crack on your windshield can be a distraction, no matter how hard to try to avoid you. It can be an annoyance and catch the driver’s eyes at inopportune times, which can impact your driving.
  • Increased likelihood of injury in a rollover accident. Again, an undamaged windshield as structural support that can be extremely important if a vehicle flips over. A crack or large chip in the glass can weaken the windshield, which means it has a higher chance of breaking and injuring the occupants in the event of a rollover accident.
  • Can affect airbag deployment. In many vehicles, the windshield is important for the proper deployment of the passenger side airbag. The force of an airbag deployment can actually shatter a previously chipped or cracked windshield, which means the passenger will not have the protection of the airbag in an accident.

The dangers listed above give you a better idea of why windshield replacement is essential. If you have a crack or chip in your windshield, contact Nu Way Car Center today and let us help you before you find yourself having to deal with a shattered windshield.